Start: September 17, 2024
Finish: July 20, 2025
For athletes looking for a comprehensive training program that will follow a structured progression over the entire season and will maximize performance while developing their athletic potential.
- Full program – designed for 10 months
- Rolling registration – athletes can register anytime at various intakes
- Practices venues may vary around facility availability:
- Macleod Athletic Park
- Walnut Grove Secondary Track
- Derby Reach Houston Trail for the endurance group training
- Practices guidelines:
- Athletes will have some choices based on their interests. There are some options during each week for athletes to pursue some specialization in throws, long jump, high jump & hurdles
- Although athletes are strongly encouraged to attend all practices, it is recognized that they may have concurrent activities during the week & may not be able to attend some practices
Training Fee: $995
BC Athletic Membership
– above training fee does not include BC Athletics competition fee
Entry fees
Club will cover the cost of 1 event at approved meets
Training Kit
Includes Under Armour personalized Backpack in Fall Intake, Cross Country Intake & Winter Intake Pricing
Training Top – all athletes will need to purchase Mustangs Training Top
Competition Singlet – athletes attending meets will need to purchase Singlet
Volunteer Commitment Cheque – $300.00
Separate cheque, made out to “Langley Mustangs”, post-dated to June 30, 2025.
Cheque will be returned or destroyed after volunteer commitment is fulfilled. Details on our volunteer expectations and obligations can be found here.
Payment Methods
Online via Trackie website, see registration link above for more details
1. Payment in full prior to start of training: $995 “Fall Intake”
2. Installments as per the following schedule:
– Online via trackie “Fall Intake Initial Deposit” : $345
– Jan 1: $325
– Mar 1: $325