Do I need to show up for warm up?
It is important to be on time for practices. Your coach will teach you warm up exercises to ensure your muscles are warm at the beginning of your
workout. A good warmup helps prevent injury. Athletes should dress
appropriately for the weather and bring a water bottle.
What to expect at a JD Practice?
The Mustangs believe in a long term athletic development approach with elementary athletes. We do not allow our elementary athletes to specialize in a single event. All athletes are expected to rotate through all of the track and field events provided and planned by our coaches at each practice. Traditionally, our coaches give the opportunity for athletes to practice 2-3 events per practice.
What do I wear to competitions?
We will provide all athletes with a free training t-shirt which is appropriate for practices and meets. Club singlets are encouraged for competitions but not mandatory, and are available through the track office from our registrar. Team tracksuits and other apparel are optional. There are one or two opportunities to order these items per season. Members will be notified by email of the costs and order process.
What Track Meets will my athlete be attending?
Though not required, we love seeing all of our athletes out at the meets throughout the season! All of the coach supported meets are listed under the Registration Page. If you are looking to find more meets other then our coach supported meets, you can search for track meets on BC Athletics website here.
How do I know what age to register my athlete for in a track meet?
In track and field, athletes compete in their age of birth. Someone born in January of 2013 would compete against someone born in December of 2013. If your athlete is 10 years old on December 31st, then they will compete as a 10 year old for the entire season.
How do I know what events to enter my athlete into a track meet?
Before entering an athlete into a track meet, please review the track meet schedule closely. A meet schedule should have estimated start times for track events (running events) and field events (jump and throwing events). We suggest not entering for a track event and a field event if their times overlap. For example, if there is a long jump that your athlete wants to enter at 1pm, and a 100m at 1:15pm this would cause you athlete to potentially miss some of their jumps to go and run the 100m race.
How many hours am I required to volunteer per season?
Langley Mustangs is known for it’s amazing volunteers, which make the Mustangs such a great community to be involved in! Our biggest revenue as a club is our own Pacific Invitational Track Meet, which is where we would love to see you out and volunteering. All of our volunteer requirements are listed here.
Where can I find information on the track meets my athlete is attending?
Track meets attended by the Mustangs are sanctioned and as such follow strict guidelines and standards in many aspects of running the meet. Every meet director publishes a meet package which lists information such as a schedule, cost of entry, standard rules of competition, and awards. Please review thoroughly to gain a better understanding of the sport and to avoid surprises! You can find most meet packages on the Trackie Website.
What are some other ways I can get involved?
We can always use help with officiating! See the links below for more information on officiating track and field in British Columbia.
Link to Officials